Red low-wave pot
Low Wave Pot is a tabletop pot, a medium-sized product, and suitable for many types of small ornamental plants that are popular today, such as succulents, money trees, and honeysuckle…
The product has 3 colors RED – WHITE – BLACK and has 1 size: DxH cm
ST24: 24×14 cm
The Low Wave Pot is designed simply according to the modern school and is created with more accents from the waves, so the product is not picky about any plant.
Low Wave Pot has many eye-catching colors to help you have more options to suit your space and style.
The design is quite special, suitable for plants with high art, creating a new and unique style and direction for silk flower arrangers.
The flower pots are manufactured thickly, ensuring high-grade plasticity, so the product can withstand large impact forces, minimizing unnecessary damage during transportation and use.
Quality is always the top factor for our ATP PLASTIC COMPANY to ensure credibility with consumers,
Just as we always try our best to minimize factors affecting the environment and human health.
Therefore, our company has used PP recycled plastic to make products that are safe and durable over time.